Notes mentioning this note
Productivity is a Plaster
[[productivity]] can help you think clearer, but it is often used as a plaster instead of applying systemic change.
Getting Things Done
Getting Things Done is a book by David Allen that has achieved a certain level of cult status among [[productivity]]...
Have a Break
While it’s good to have a [[Creative-Routine]], it’s also equally important to walk away from the page and have a...
Bullet journal
A way of categorising your thoughts in a notebook using symbols as you write, invented by [[Ryder-Caroll]]. The system is...
Productivity is a trap
Getting lots of things done means your day fills up with more tasks, most of them unwanted. It also makes...
Self Help Ignores Systemic Solutions
If you are tired and stressed it may be because your have too much work to do. Self help would...