Vehicle by Jean Caleja
Similar to The-Employees-A-Workplace-Novel-of-the-22nd-Century-by-Olga-Ravn, told in short page long paragraphs, sample documents half remembered, a patchwork montage approach to world building
Meaning is mythologised and built up year by year. Researchers are on the run and lose documents as they go. Questions truth of reality, suppressed by government.
Reframes familiar words- music, vehicle. Defamiliarises
Parallels to Brexit with the bordering.
Islets are a magical realistic, surreal locations of drifting islands where culture is stolen from and other countries plunder.
Disaster of Islets has parallels to how western world ignores responsibility to refugees.
Often quite prosaic, formal language.
Main character is sexually exploited, but descriptions of band on tour are euphoric.
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