
Don’t attempt to avoid problems in your life. Life-is-Suffering after all.

In the same way you should Embrace-Failure, you should also embrace any negative life event fully, not trying to hide from how awful it makes you feel but embracing the negativity full on. Be-Present and allow the feelings to move through you.

Only by being honest with how you feel can you acknowledge the pain and move on. Avoidance does not work.

Life is full of dragons. The longer they live, the bigger they become, feeding off our misfortunes, resentments, and sense of helplessness. Stare them down. Look directly into their big, terrible eyes. There, you will see your own reflection. Our challenges are mirrors, exposing our vulnerabilities, insecurities, weaknesses, and fears. As hard as it may be, don’t turn away. See them, examine them, meet your fears with curiosity, and you will discover a way forward. The-bullet-journal-method-by-Ryder-Carroll-2018