Embrace the Wonder of Being Alive.

Yes, You-Will-Die, but the face you are here at all is incredible. We are the universe experiencing itself. We are stars made conscious.

There’s an almost infinite chain of coincidence and chance that has lead to you being here on this planet today, reading these words on a screen.Nothing-lasts-forever and yet here you are. When you think about the world even for a second it is staggeringly complex. To be alive is a privilege, to experience all the world in it’s splendor is a gift.

…if you can hold your attention, however briefly or occasionally, on the sheer astonishingness of being, and on what a small amount of that being you get – you may experience a palpable shift in how it feels to be here, right now, alive in the flow of time. … Or to put it another way, why treat four thousand weeks as a very small number, because it’s so tiny compared with infinity, rather than treating it as a huge number, because it’s so many more weeks than if you had never been born? –Four-Thousand-Weeks-Oliver-Burkeman

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