You-Will-Die. You know this. But nothing you create will last either. Eventually, the sun will expand and destroy the Earth. Eventually, the universe will burn out, grow cold and empty. Everything-Changes
The only answer is to Be-Present and Be-Kind while we are here.
Notes mentioning this note
Embrace the Wonder of Being Alive.
Yes, [[You-Will-Die]], but the face you are here at all is incredible. We are the universe experiencing itself. We are...
Link rot
Because [[Everything-Changes]] and [[Nothing-lasts-forever]], even the internet is never permanent. Links in particular, the currency of the internet, are subject...
Nothing stays the same forever. It would be a dull world of that was the case. Instead, expect changes in...
[[BookNotes]] author: [[Yoko-Ogawa]] Translator: [[Stephen-Snyder]]
We-make-our-own meaning
Because [[Nothing-lasts-forever]] and [[You-Will-Die]], it can be tempting to think there is no meaning in the world. But we are...
Surf the Feeling
[[Nothing-lasts-forever]], not even the worst feelings. If you pay attention to a feeling and not let it consume you, it...