Nothing stays the same forever. It would be a dull world of that was the case. Instead, expect changes in the world, your life, your personality.
Nothing-lasts-forever. This too shall pass.
Notes mentioning this note
Link rot
Because [[Everything-Changes]] and [[Nothing-lasts-forever]], even the internet is never permanent. Links in particular, the currency of the internet, are subject...
[[You-Will-Die]]. You know this. But nothing you create will last either. Eventually, the sun will expand and destroy the Earth....
[[Our-Lives-Are-Brief]] and [[You-Will-Die]]. Its important then to
Real solutions are new and different
[[Everything-Changes]]. We may have similar problems to the past but they are different in unique ways, and as such they...
You will die
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but immortality is a myth. At some point, you will die. And...
[[Everything-Changes]] and stories are no different. We think they are always the same because we have writing but this is...