Nothing stays the same forever. It would be a dull world of that was the case. Instead, expect changes in the world, your life, your personality.
Nothing-lasts-forever. This too shall pass.
Notes mentioning this note
Link rot
Because [[Everything-Changes]] and [[Nothing-lasts-forever]], even the internet is never permanent. Links in particular, the currency of the internet, are subject...
You will die
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but immortality is a myth. At some point, you will die. And...
[[You-Will-Die]]. You know this. But nothing you create will last either. Eventually, the sun will expand and destroy the Earth....
[[Our-Lives-Are-Brief]] and [[You-Will-Die]]. Its important then to
[[Everything-Changes]] and stories are no different. We think they are always the same because we have writing but this is...
Real solutions are new and different
[[Everything-Changes]]. We may have similar problems to the past but they are different in unique ways, and as such they...