tags: Meta-Notes
Notes should be as small as possible, with one idea per note. This is why [[ notes-should-have-a-declarative-title ]]as it allows you to focus closer on the single idea.
Smaller notes means you are able to link the notes together easier. (Network-Better-Than-Linear)
Notes mentioning this note
Network Better Than Linear
Networked notes are more powerful than linear notes, because they allow thoughts to be connected in different ways. You can...
This site is used to be written using TiddlyWiki, which is a personal wiki software that is free and open...
Invented by Nicholas Lumen, this is a knowledge management system that has gained popularity in recent years due to How...
When making notes, ensure you don’t just copy down whole phrase verbatim but instead write the idea in your own...
From [[Morgenau]], this is the idea that notes in a [[Zettlekasten]] system should have a definite sentence as a summary....