Observe the world
Try to Be-Present and observe the world around you.
One way of doing this is to focus on The-Five-Senses. Take notes or draw the world around you. Tiny-observations can help.
Notes mentioning this note
I’ve been mediating for a while, since I was 26 (On and off throughout the years.) I am rubbish at...
Blind Contor
A way to [[Observe-the-world]] and drawing. Observe an object and draw it without looking at the page.
Writers Notebook
I’ve carried a notebook with me for years. It’s a place to make observations ([[Observe-the-world]]), have fun ([[Art-is-Play]]), experiment with...
A very minimal way of [[Journaling]], where you write a [[haiku]] every day. It forces you to [[Observe-the-world]] around you...
Suffering is the trade off for experiencing joy
Although [[Life-is-Suffering]] and frequently difficult the flipside is that we get to experience joy and wonder. Try to [[Observe-the-world]] and...