We think we experience the real world but we do not at all. Our perception of the world is deeply flawed
Look at Colour-Constancy, where our brain decides what colour we should see. Or Apophenia where we see patterns that aren’t there. Or Chronostasis, where the first second of a clock is seemingly suspended in time.
Our memories are flawed because Everything-is-a-Story. Look at the The-Mandela-Effect.
We have a strong Negativity-Bias. We are more sensitive to losses than gains. We overestimate the risks of that which is vivid and immediate in theAvailability-Heuristic
We forget where we found information and experiernce Source-Amnesia
Still though, because of the Dunning-Kruger-Effectwe might not know what we don’t know.
The flip side of this is due to The-Flynn-Effect, people are getting smarter all the time.
Notes mentioning this note
This is the tendency to find patterns that aren’t there, making meaningful connections between unrelated things. This distorts our sense...
This is a strange phenomenon where a new event is extended in time in our mind.
History is Written by the Winners
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Dunning Kruger Effect
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The Mandela Effect
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Proximity Bias
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Negativity Bias
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