Attention is Everything
Attention is the most important resource we have. It is what we use to define our world, how we Be-Present. It defines if you can be lied to or how you Decide-what-is-important-to-you It creates our personal reality and defines our world.
No wonder Social-Media-is-Designed-to-Capture-Our-Attention.
- Jay Springett has a zine called Your Attention is Sovereign.
Attention, on the other hand, just is life: your experience of being alive consists of nothing other than the sum of everything to which you pay attention. – Four-Thousand-Weeks-by-Oliver-Burkeman-2021
The water thrushes, down among the sloppy
rocks, are going crazy with happiness. Imagination is better
than a sharp instrument. To pay attention, this is our endless
and proper work. Yes! No!- Mary Oliver
Notes mentioning this note
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