A productivity guide, like more practical version of Four-Thousand-Weeks-by-Oliver-Burkeman-2021
Key Ideas
Notes mentioning this note
Small Changes Add Up
Small changes often don’t feel like they have much impact. It’s easy to run for 1 minute but it won’t...
Choose one highlight a day
This idea is from [[Make-Time-Jake-Knapp-and-John-Zeratsky]]. In order to avoid overwhelm, choose one main thing to focus on a day, then...
Keep Phone Out of Sight
Phones are distraction machines. [[Attention-is-Everything]], so it is important to try and carve out time away from screens. [[Disconnect-Frequently]] and...
Perfection Doesn't Exist
We always want what we make to match the glittering vision in our head. We want the poem to be...