Creative Routine

You don’t have to be Writing-Every-Day, but having a regular creative routine helps you to create more. It also helps with Writers-Block as it puts less pressure on you to create something great.

Mailika-Booker described it as having a ritual you can return to.


Indeed, despite all these fruitful strategies for optimizing creative flow, the bigger truth — something I wholeheartedly believe — remains: There is no ideal rotation of the chair or perfect position of the desk clock that guarantees a Pulitzer. What counts, ultimately, is putting your backside in the chair — or, if you happen to be Ernest Hemingway or Virginia Woolf, dragging your feet to your standing desk — and clocking in the hours, psychoemotional rain or shine. Showing up day in and day out, without fail, is the surest way to achieve lasting success. – Maria-Popova

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