Mailika Booker
Poet and author. I attended Red-Sky-Session-1 where she ran a workshop.
Notes mentioning this note
Creative Routine
You don’t have to be [[Writing-Every-Day]], but having a regular creative routine helps you to create more. It also helps...
Free Writing
One of the most useful tools when starting to write sometmething and one of the simplest. You [[Write-to-a-Timer]], usually for...
A Japanese poetic form, renowned for its simplicity and focus on nature. Usually in English it is translated as three...
Read-a-poetry-book-in- depth-each-month
In order to implement [[Active-Reading]] for poetry, [[Mailika-Booker]] suggested reading one poetry book over and over for a month, to...
Rhyme train
[[Writing-Exercise]] from [[Mailika-Booker]]. Write a word at the top of the page and set a short timer (2 or 3...
[[poetry]] anthologies are useful to expose yourself to a range of new poets and find what you like [[follow-your-interests]] and...
Red Sky Sessions
A series of [[Writing-Workshop]]s run by [[Apples-and-Snakes]]. These are my personal notes from each session and more about what I...
In order to find your optimal [[Creative-Routine]], change where and when you write. Move to a different room. Write in...
You may not have much time to write. You may have to [[write-in-the-cracks]]. So when you have time to write,...
Because [[Reading-is-Writing]] and [[Writers-Need-to-Read]] you should set goals for what you are reading. These should encourage you to [[Read-Widely]].
Structured free writing
This is similar to [[Free-Writing]] but you start with a prompt. You can do [[bibliomancy]] or [[Ekphrastic-Writing]], depending on how...