A Japanese poetic form, renowned for its simplicity and focus on nature. Usually in English it is translated as three lines of 5/7/5 syllables. In Japanese this does not exactly track.
I often write them as a warm up, writing haiku as a way of Journaling.
- Mailika-Booker suggested keeping a Haiku-Journal in (Red-Sky-Session-1) as way of practising poetry regularly and focusing on Specific-Detail
Notes mentioning this note
I’ve kept a journal/ diary throughout my life, but more consistently since I was 25. I find it invaluable as...
Burning Haibun
A burning haibun is a [[Poetic-form]] where a [[Prose-Poem]] full of visual imagery is condensed down twice, first into [[Erasure-Poetry]],...
A Japanese poetic form, renowned for its simplicity and focus on nature. Usually in English it is translated as three...
A very minimal way of [[Journaling]], where you write a [[haiku]] every day. It forces you to [[Observe-the-world]] around you...
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