In writing, it is better to have one or two specific details than vague words like love or happiness. This is a way to Show-Dont-Tell.
One way to do this is Five-Senses-Exercise or Write-a-Detailed-Observation
Notes mentioning this note
Show Dont Tell
This is one of those key bits of writing advice that is repeated often but is actually quite important. It’s...
Ekphrastic Writing
A way of writing in response to a piece of art. You use the visual medium as a [[Prompts]] for...
It is impossible to capture everything
When creating art, it is impossible to capture everything about a situation. The endless smells, every small thing you can...
A Japanese poetic form, renowned for its simplicity and focus on nature. Usually in English it is translated as three...
The Boy and the Heron
[[Studio-Ghibli]] [[film-notes]] about a boy grieving his mother who is taken to a strange dimension. It starts as a simple...
A very minimal way of [[Journaling]], where you write a [[haiku]] every day. It forces you to [[Observe-the-world]] around you...
Observation Journal
A method of [[Journaling]] from [[Lynda Barry]], where you divide the page into 4.