- Sonnet
- Triolet
- Golden-Shovel
- Sestina
- Univocalic
- Coupling
- Erasure-Poetry
- After-poem
- Ekphrastic-Writing
- Cinquain
- Tanka
- haiku
- Burning-Haibun
- Prose-Poem
Notes mentioning this note
Writing Index
Writers love writing about writing and I’m no different. It does mean that there’s bucket loads of advice out there...
Constrained Writing
Rules can set you free. Sometimes writing about anything can be very difficult. You have anything to chose from after...
Why use poetry form
The use of [[Poetic-form]] is often seen as archaic or irrelevant. When you first start attempting using the different forms,...
Poetry Resources
Here’s a list of things that have helped me with poetry (as opposed to more general [[Writing-Resources]] or [[Publishing-Resources]].
Ekphrastic Writing
A way of writing in response to a piece of art. You use the visual medium as a [[Prompts]] for...
Editing is writing
I’ve long since thought that putting words down on page in a [[First-Draft]] is the only writing that really counts...
Burning Haibun
A burning haibun is a [[Poetic-form]] where a [[Prose-Poem]] full of visual imagery is condensed down twice, first into [[Erasure-Poetry]],...
A way of [[Editing-A-Poem]]. Take your [[First-Draft]] and try writing it in different [[Poetic-form]]s. See what each form does to...
Restrictions Make You More Creative
You may think that [[Constrained-Writing]] limits your writing, but by forcing yourself to work within rules or restrictions, you may...
A collaborative [[Poetic-form]], written by two or more poets. You have alternating 5-7-5 syllable lines (like a [[haiku]]) then 7-7...