Free Writing
One of the most useful tools when starting to write sometmething and one of the simplest. You Write-to-a-Timer, usually for 10 to 15 minutes and try not to lift your pen off the page. You don’t edit or censor yourself but write fast, following any tangent you want to.
You could also try bibliomancy as a way of generating new ideas.
It’s useful because it starts you writing and overcoming ideas. It avoids Writers-Block and allows you to start-writing-with-no-plan. It also allows you to start Writing-From-the-Subconscious because you go fast without censorship.
Similar to 0th-Draft or Morning-Pages, it’s writing without judgement. You can always go back and edit it later.
- Josie-Alford does free-write sessions on her Instagram page.
- Tim-Clare has a lot of free write sessions to a timer as part of his free course on his podcast Death of 1,000 cuts.
- In a workshop with Mailika-Booker,</a> she suggested doing a focused free write. Start with a subject and write what you know and what is related to it.
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