Focus on what is in your control
When you are overwhelmed or anxious, the world can seem terrifying and scary. There can be too much to do. You may be worrying about things that may not happen or things that are wildly out of your control.
Focus instead on what is in your control. Usually, this means things in your immediate sphere of influence and your emotions. You can work on yourself, you can’t stop microplastics in the ocean but you could pick litter in your community.
Be-Present What action can you take? Focus-on-Process-not-the-end-goal, so you aren’t focusing on the outcome.
The Locus-of-control-exercise is useful to understand what is and isn’t within your control.
Notes mentioning this note
Locus of control exercise
This is an exercise that helps you [[Focus-on-what-is-in-your-control]]. Draw two overlapping circles, a Venn diagram. On the left, write ‘What...
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Daily habits for stress and anxiety
[[source-notes]] from this video
Author: [[Therapy-in-a-nutshell]]
What is out of your control?
When trying to [[Focus-on-what-is-in-your-control]], one way to flip it might be to ask what can you not control? [[You cant...