Ways to Focus
Focus is important for well-being and work. It helps you learn the detail of new information because you are engaging the Focused-Mode of your brain.
We need to pay attention to one task and try not to pay attention to anything else.
Some ways to stay focused:
- The Pomodoro method (and Write-to-a-Timer in general)
- Exercise
- Single-Task-Not-Multitask
- No podcasts only music
- Break-big-tasks-into-tiny-steps
- Reduce-distractions
- turn-your-internet-off
- Three-projects-only
- theme-days-for-productivity
- Avoid-Overstimulation
However, it is important to also have breaks and engage the Diffused-Mode of your brain in order to process what you are focusing on. Too much focus can remove creativity in the Einstellung-Effect
Notes mentioning this note
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Write to a Timer
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Three projects only
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